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Product Spotlight | Galvanized Cross Over Ladders

February 14, 2023

We are proud to announce the Galvanized Cross Over Ladders. Our cross-over ladders have been a popular product at A Plus Warehouse for a long time, so we are excited to introduce this new option.

Why Galvanized?

Galvanized material is great for outdoor use. Galvanizing is the process of applying a protective coating to steel or iron. Galvanized products at A Plus Warehouse include racks, cabinets, and jib cranes.

Galvanized Cross Over Ladders

These ladders are great for when you need permanent access at crossover points. The upper platform features a removable two-sided 42 5/8” high handrail with 21” mid-rail and fixed 4” toeboards to prevent objects from rolling off. This latter meets OSHA and ANSI standards and features serrated steps for extra grip.

This ladder comes with between 3 and 5 steps. The steps are 23 ½” wide and 7” deep with a step spacing of 10”.The angle of the steps is 58 degrees. Overall ladder width is 29 ¼”. Ground legs include floor mounting pads. The uniform capacity of the ladder is 500 pounds.


galvanized cross over ladders

Check out our Galvanized Cross Over Ladders!
galvanized cross over ladders
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