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Rotabins Storage System

January 3, 2022

Our rotating bin storage is a popular option for organization. It is the perfect product if getting and keeping organized was a new year resolution!

                Rotabins range in size from small to beast size! The small rotabin has a 60-pound shelf capacity and the beast model has a 2,000-pound shelf capacity.  All models are constructed with all-steel construction and are great for narrow spaces. Even the heavier duty models will turn with just fingertip pressure. They are all also easy to assemble.

                Rotabins save space, money, and time. They are the perfect addition to any warehouse.  They allow you to use those previously unused corners. Dividers are also available and are a popular option for the bins.

                The Rotabins are manufactured by Durham MFG. This company was established in 1922 and is based in the historic town of Durham, Connecticut. They are well known for their industrial storage solutions such as the Rotabins. They also manufacture a good deal of safety products, and materials handling solutions.


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