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Quick Ship Conveyors

September 4, 2007

For material handling businesses a broken conveyor could mean substantial lost time and revenue. A Plus Warehouse, the leading supplier of belt conveyor systems, saw a lack of availability in the conveyor industry, and sought to remedy it. 

"No successful material handling business is going to be able to wait weeks or months for a new conveyor," said Ed Stairman, president of A Plus Warehouse. "We employ a stockyard concept whereby we have frames pre-punched for conveyors and rollers of every diameter in stock. Whether it is one section or 200 sections of any gravity conveyororder placed before noon eastern time will ship the next working day. Virtually all of our standard power conveyors are in stock also."

There are several types of conveyors to consider when ordering for your business:

  • Gravity conveyors: can be roller, skatewheel or expanding type. Any firm that transports products or work in process from one work area to another needs gravity conveyors.
  • Roller conveyors: used for unit loads. A Plus Warehouse roller products run from 3/4 inch (the smallest in the industry) all the way to 3  in diameter rollers. 
  • Skatewheel conveyors: used when the surface of the load is inconsistent - for example, sacks instead of boxes. 
  • Expanding conveyors: good for manufacturers and distributors. They expand, contract, twist and turn to provide flexible conveyor use. They are especially useful for loading and unloading trucks. 
  • Power conveyors: allow customers to move product in an efficient manner that could not be done with only gravity sections and people power. 
  • Incline belt conveyors: good for floor to floor conveyor applications. 

To learn more about supplying your business with gravity or power conveyors, call A Plus Warehouse today at 800-209-8798.


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