Can Racks (9)

156 Can Capacity Fifo Can Rack

162 Can Capacity Mobile Can Rack

162 Can Capacity Stationary Can Rack

54 Can Capacity Mobile Can Rack - With Poly Top

54 Can Capacity Mobile Can Rack - With Stainless Steel Top

72 Can Capacity Mobile Can Rack - With Aluminum Top

72 Can Capacity Mobile Can Rack - With Poly Top

72 Can Capacity Mobile Can Rack - With Stainless Steel Top

54 Can Capacity Mobile Can Rack
A Plus Warehouse is your source when you need a can rack. Can racks by Win-Holt are great for added efficiency in busy kitchens. The concept of a can storage rack is straight forward. When operating a busy kitchen, time and space are both at a premium. There is simply no time or space to waste. Can racks hold up to 162 # 10 cans in a very small footprint allowing maximum utilization per square foot and very quick access. We even provide can storage racks that are gravity fed allowing FIFO inventory. In some cases, it is important to use stock in the order received. This is typically the case when dealing with items that are perishable or close to expiration date. Our FIFO gravity fed can rack makes this an automatic process, saving even more labor!
Can Racks for the Food Service Industry
What customers need our can shelf rack product? Any operation that prepares large amounts of food. Some obvious users include: Prisons, Hospitals, Universities, Army, Navy, Airforce, Marines, Coast Guard, Country Clubs, Yacht Clubs, Social clubs of all types, Churches, Temples, Mosques, and schools. Even families with many children could use a can rack. Wherever efficiency counts in food preparation, A Plus Warehouse can racks by Win Holt are certainly a great idea.
Mobile Units
What about a kitchen that needs to dispense cans in multiple locations? There are two choices for this application. Of course, we’d be thrilled to provide you with an individual stationary can rack for each location required. The other option would be our mobile can storage rack. Simply more the cart to where the cans need to be dispensed anywhere within the kitchen.
Add Efficiency
Consider an Aircraft Carrier. These vessels are floating cities providing us with constant security. All the civilian, and military needs at least three square meals per day, and the chefs and staff work tirelessly feeding the people living on the ship. Of course the Navy needs our can racks! Space is extremely limited and efficiency is key when you are providing over 10000 meals per day. If the US Government uses Win Holt can shelf rack products you can be sure A Plus Warehouse will provide you the quality found in the Win Holt line.
In conjunction with can rack, there are many other food service equipment items A Plus Warehouse can provide you. We provide ice caddys, insulated food carriers, dunnage racks, and U Boats. No, U Boats are not just submarines from WW II. U Boats are narrow stocking carts used in food service as well as in supermarkets. The letter U in the name comes from the shape of each handle. There is a 63 in high U shaped piece of metal on either narrow side of the dollie. A Plus Warehouse is also a nationwide stocking dealer for conveyors, cabinets, material handling and work benches as well.
A Plus Warehouse is your right choice right now.
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