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Safety Cabinets with Auto Close Feature Saves Lives

April 8, 2008

Employee safety is the number one concern at any company that deals with flammable or hazardous materials, and safety storage cabinets are an integral part of ensuring that safety. National material handling dealer, A Plus Warehouse, carries safety cabinets, cylinder cabinets, flammable liquids storage cabinets and hazardous materials cabinets that are appropriate to code for storing dangerous materials in the workplace. 

"Our OSHA compliant safety cabinets store metal cylinders, flammable liquids, and hazardous materials such as paint, acid, ink and pesticides to improve safety, convenience and reduce the risk of accidental poisoning and/or fires," said Ed Stairman, president of A Plus Warehouse. "There is a time for cost savings and there is a time for life savings. Taking flammables out of open space and putting them in flammable liquids storage cabinets will take needless risk away from the workplace resulting in a safer environment. A safe environment is a profitable environment."

Auto close cabinets from A Plus Warehouse have fusible links that hold the doors open. These metallic links melt at a relatively low temperature forcing the spring-loaded doors to close themselves. In the case of a manual door, a person needs to manually shut the door if a fire starts. 

"Beyond the scope of law, we always recommend auto closing safety storage cabinets over manual units. In the event of a fire, the auto close feature lets the cabinets take care of themselves and smother the fire automatically." said Stairman.

To learn more about A Plus Warehouse's extensive line of industrial material handling equipment available nationwide, including safety storage cabinets, workbenches and more, call 800-209-8798 or visit


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