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Better Late than Never | We Moved to Beverly

April 6, 2023

we moved to Beverly

This announcement comes only 2+ years late, but our sales office is now in Beverly, Massachusetts.  This isn’t too far of a move from our old location in Lynn, Massachusetts. We are proud to be a Massachusetts company!

We are located in Cummings Center in the 200 building. Our new location is close to many great restaurants and the beautiful shoe pond.

shoebert the seal

A fun story about shoe pond is back in the fall of 2022, a gray sealed lovingly called “Shoebert” found himself in the pond. The seal evaded attempts to be guided back to the ocean. Funny enough, after a week the seal “turned himself in” and got onto the land around the Beverly Police headquarters.  He was then transported to the Mystic Aquarium for a checkup and safe reintroduction to the wild.



shoebert the seal
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