When you have gas cylinders, it is vital to find a safe storage place for them. Luckily, A Plus Warehouse has the products you need to store these cylinders. After all, we specialize in storing it!
These types of cabinets are a part of our safety cabinet line. The cabinets provide a safe way to store hazardous materials. We have many different options from different manufacturers for cylinder cabinets. Check out some of our products below.
Compressed Gas Cylinder Cabinet
This product will hold your compressed gas cylinders. It stores between 10 and 20 cylinders. The lightweight material reduces shipping and transport costs. The cabinet comes with a solid roof panel that slopes back to shed water and ice.
Gas Cylinder Storage Unit
The storage units are ventilated and visible. The cabinet features 13 GA expanded metal. It meets OSHA and NFPA-approved standards. The unit features a sloped roof and angle frame with reinforced back panels.
Quality Steel Cylinder Cabinets
Cylinder cabinets stores and protects your gas cylinders. The cabinet features a safe tamper-proof design. It is constructed with 13 GA expanded metal sides and a solid 12 GA steel top. Foot plates are punched for securing the units to the floor. Choose between horizontal or vertical storage.
Check out our Quality Steel Cylinder Cabinets!