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Designing Your Gate

August 12, 2021

Designing your Gate

                A Plus Warehouse is here to help you design the perfect gate to fit your needs. We offer a gate design form where customers just need to answer a few simple questions.


We need to know the width of the opening from A-B and C-D as well as the height front floor to the top of the track for A-C and B-D.  We would also need to know the stack width space available as well as the type of finish.


gate design form


What type of mount do you like? If you desire a ceiling mount, we need to know if you have a dropped ceiling. If you want a single gate, would you want to lock it left or right?

Safety Gates

                A Plus Warehouse has many models of gates available for customers wishing to skip right over the designing your gate form.

Mezzanine Gates

Our mezzanine pivot gate easily pivots to an up or down position. It only requires 10-20 pounds of lifting force. The gate ships in two pieces, making it easy to assemble. Gate is constructed with all-welded tubular steel and meets OSHA and IBC requirements.

The Self Closing Mezzanine Pallet Gate is great for when you need to forklift your pallet through gates and back away. Gates close up against your material effectively protecting the mezzanine edge until the material is loaded. The adjustable cross bar provides both a visual barrier and a grab surface for added safety.

self closing mezzanine gate

Check out our gate design form!
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