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Portable Drum Roller

December 18, 2018

Drum Equipment is a popular line of product at A Plus Warehouse. If you are looking for the best way to mix and move drum contents, you can not go wrong with out portable drum roller. Our drum handling equipment is top notch.  We offer drum stackers, de headers, skids, trucks, and more.  We want to offer our customers many great options!

                Our portable drum roller is the safest and easiest way to move and mix drums. It mixes the contents while eliminating worker exposure and reducing the amount of clean up. It agitates the contents of the drum without even opening it! Drum pours directly into five gallon pail. A faucet can be attached to drum while rotating. Product handles 55 gallon drums. We offer standard, explosion proof, and air motor drums. Our drums have a fixed RPM of either 16 or 20 depending on the item. It can hold 500 pounds of liquid content and 300 pounds of dry content.

                This product is very easy to handle. It is easy to rotate the drum on its side. Built in tipping helps in loading drum upright onto drum roller and setting drum back to upright. The drum roller is also very compact.  It is 21” wide by 35” long. The handle drum diameter is 6” to 28” with a maximum drum length of 40”.

                A Plus Warehouse is your right choice right now for drum handling equipment and more. We have been in the business for over two decades.  Our sales staff is very helpful in getting our customers the products they need in a timely manner. We realize that every customer is important, great customer service is a top priority.


portable drum roller

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