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Prevent Accidents with Switchboard Matting

June 15, 2023

prevent accidents with switchboard matting

Did you know investing in Switchboard Matting can save lives? Switchboard matting refers to a type of matting specifically designed for electrical switchboard installations. Switchboards are panels or cabinets used to house electrical control equipment and circuit breakers. Switchboard matting, also known as switchboard mats or electrical safety mats, are used to provide insulation and protect workers from electric shock when working on or around switchboards.

Switchboard matting is designed to meet specific electrical safety standards, such as ASTM D178 and ASTM D178-01. These standards ensure that the mats have appropriate electrical insulating properties and can withstand high-voltage environments. The mats are usually tested for dielectric strength, which measures their ability to resist electrical current flow.

Diamond Deck Switchboard Matting

This matting is required for safety in front of high-voltage boxes, fuse boxes, and transformers. Please replace your switchboard matting once every 12 months for safety reasons. The recommended maximum usage for this product is 17,000 volts.


switchboard matting

Military Switchboard Deck Plate Runner

Switchboard matting is a must-have for the military. We have the mat you need right here. This product is tested for sulfuric acid immersion, oxygen bomb aging, and UV light exposure. The runner is flame and slip resistant as well. 

military switchboard deck plate runner


Check out our Diamond Deck Switchboard Matting!
prevent accidents with switchboard matting
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