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Questions of the Week| Cabinets

February 20, 2018

What does GA mean in terms of Cabinets?

GA is shorthand for Gauge. Gauge is the  unit of thickness with 12 being more thick and 16 being less thick. Lower Gauge Cabinets tend to be Stronger than higher Gauge counterparts.


designer cabinet


Do you Offer Mobile Cabinets?

Yes many of our cabinets come with a caster option.

What is the difference between Stainless and Galvanized Cabinets?

First of all, these are both corrosion resistant. The key difference is galvanized is actually normal steel undergoes over goes treatment to become galvanized where as stainless steel is its own metal.  Stainless steel is more common for food service whereas galvanized is more commonly used outside.

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