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The Must-Have Equipment Guide for New Warehouses

September 16, 2015

There’s something exciting about moving into a new warehouse. Maybe it’s the vast emptiness of a space yet to be filled with the sound of machinery grinding and conveyors rolling. Or maybe it's the promise of all the good, honest work that will soon be done. Whatever the reason, a new warehouse is a sacred place, so you want to do right by it.   Filling your new warehouse with high quality warehouse equipment is the first step to take toward honoring your new place of work. That's why we've designed this Must-Have Equipment Guide to make sure you have everything you need to be working at peak efficiency. Look it over and make sure you aren't missing something essential for your warehouse's maiden voyage.  


It's important to have a little privacy, and we don't just mean in the restrooms. Employees in upper management need a separate place where they can safely oversee and plan without distractions. Inplant offices are great for this, as they let managers work in peace and quiet while still keeping close to the action. The best part is that modular offices can fit just about anywhere, so when you're planning the layout of your new warehouse be sure to save some space for the prefab offices.   Choose them in 2-, 3-, and 4-wall configurations, with lighting and glass windows as well.  



Facilitating work on the go is a critical part of your new warehouse's efficiency. To get things moving, you'll want to choose mobile warehouse equipment products that can move right where they're needed without hassle.

Rolling conveyors are essential items for manufacturing plants and other warehouse facilities that require you to keep your product line moving smoothly. Medium, heavy duty, extra heavy duty, and accordian style industrial roller conveyor systems can make moving things an effortless part of your workday. Equipped with stainless steel roller conveyor rollers that clean easily and won't rust, these products offer you an ergonomic way to move things without use of a forklift.   is a critical part of your new warehouse's efficiency. To get things moving, you'll want to choose mobile warehouse equipment products that can move right where they're needed without hassle.  

Rolling ladders improve on the basic functions of normal warehouse ladders by adding the ability to move just about anywhere. Reaching high products is easy when you use industrial rolling ladders that position you exactly where you need to go. Rolling ladders with cantilevers, varying slope, and extra-wide steps are among the possible configurations you can find when ordering the perfect style of rolling ladder for your new warehouse.  

Safety and Security


With all the excitement of moving into a new space, it's easy to overlook the many important safety features your new warehouse needs. You and your employees are the ones that make everything work, so choosing warehouse equipment that caters to their needs should be high on your list of priorities.  

Anti-fatigue mats ensure that your workers feel comfortable all day long. When standing on their feet all day, your employees will appreciate having a thick layer of ribbed, sponge, or even electrical discharge protection beneath their feet.  

Lockers are another safety feature that offers security for storing your employees' belongings. Lockers also add an element of organization to your warehouse, ensuring you'll always have a place to put your things that won't get in the way of work.

---   The last thing you want is to forget some crucial part of your new warehouse. This guide should serve you well as the basis for some of your warehouse’s most essential equipment products. Order them now from A Plus Warehouse!      

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