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Pallet Racks VS Shelving

December 2, 2008

Shelving or racks are required in every distribution and storage facility, but there are benefits of racks over shelving to consider when ordering, says A Plus Warehouse, a national material handling dealer, which offers pallet racks already pre-configured to make ordering easy.

Shelving has capacities limited to 800 pounds per shelf, with shelf width for standard shelves limited to 48 inches. A bulk rack has width up to 10 feet and capacities up to 1000 pounds. Pallet rack shelving has capacities of up to 24,000 pounds per upright and 6,000 pounds per pair of beams, and heavy duty, structural pallet racks have upright capacity to 45,000 pounds and beam capacity to 15,000 pounds.

“When you need weight capacity, and a large opening, industrial pallet racks are clearly the way to go,” said Ed Stairman, president of A Plus Warehouse. “We are one of the very few dealers selling pre-configured pallet racks, to make ordering easier for our customers.”

Why bother chasing down uprights, beams, supports, and wire decks and then hope you can make them all fit together? With no effort at all, you can order our pallet racks with wire decking or pallet racks without wire decking but with all other matched components,” added Stairman. “If you prefer to order by component, or if you need sizes not shown in our pre-configured matrix, we also offer the traditional manner of ordering pallet rack components.”

95% of all rack customers at A Plus Warehouse order roll formed tear drop or keystone pallet racks. They also carry Wireway Husky pallet racks, Interlake pallet racks, Meco Pallet rack shelving, and Penco pallet storage racks.

For more information on pre-configured pallet racks from A Plus Warehouse, call 800-209-8798 or visit


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