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Slope Shelving for Inspections

February 12, 2007

Employees can visually inspect shipments loaded on slope shelving stacking racks and easily remove those products in poor condition. This eliminates the traditional manual handling inspections that can easily produce back and hand injuries, the most-expensive claims within the industry.

"Product movement and storage pose risk to all employees," said Ed Stairman, president of A Plus Warehouse. "The slope shelving we sell improves safety and productivity by making products more visible and accessible." 

The A Plus Warehouse slope shelving storage cabinets are designed to provide efficient storage and retrieval. Every slope shelving system also gives excellent accessibility to the items stored. The slope keeps supplies handy at the front of each shelf for easy access. The free-standing slope shelving units assemble with just a rubber mallet to secure shelf supports in the keyholes. 

Boltless slope storage shelving units are used for easy rotation of frequently used supplies. These 18" units have a 14 percent slope while the 24" D units have a 12 percent slope. Front and back supports on the top and bottom add to its support. 

The slope shelving double-sided storage cabinets provide multiple configurations to meet limited storage space. Placing a protective yellow post or barrier at the ends of these double-sided racks prevents damage caused by lift truck movement. Baked-enamel finish over 16 gauge steel make these stacking racks durable while the sloped shelves protect employees from hand and back injuries. 

The proper training of employees in basic manual materials training plus the implementation of slope shelving stacking racks can significantly cut down back and hand injury claims.

Employees must be trained in proper lifting techniques to bend at the knees, keep close to the load, and use the arms and legs to lift. They should also know how to shift feet not twist at the waist when turning with a load. To ease manual lifting, handles can be added to containers. Proper-fitting gloves provide additional protection.

To learn more about warehouse safety using slope shelving, call A Plus Warehouse today at 800-209-8798.

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