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Stacking Bins Vs Shelf Bins

July 22, 2019

Stack bins and shelf bins both serve the same purpose of storing and organizing tools and supplies, but the application is different. They are just as they sound; stacking bins stack on top of each other whereas shelf bins go into a shelf. Both are great storage systems that can provide simple and easy organization.  Both these products can have dimension variability along with style and color. Many customers who purchase our bins like our color options because it gives them a chance to personalize their own warehouse. 

Why the Difference Between Shelf Bins and Stacking Bins Matter?

A major part of storage is space, and these two products take up space in different ways. Typically stacking bins will take up significantly less space than shelf bins but may be less easily accessible. Shelf bins go into a shelf, so you cannot adjust overall sizing, but you can still choose bin sizes. For stacking bins to an extent there is no limit, aside from the fact that if it is stacked too high certain bins may not be able to reach, or the tower may become unstable. The benefit of stacking bins is that you get to decide how much space you want to take up. With shelf bins the spacing is already preconfigured so there is not much you can change.


For people who like their products to already be thought out and set up, shelf bins would be the way to go. For those who want to personalize the space setup more stacking bins are recommended. Stacking bins are not necessarily standing alone, they can hook onto louvered panels. When not in use these types of bins can easily be stacked and stored away, but you cannot easily store away shelf bins. If the items you are organizing are used daily then the shelf bin makes more sense. If they are used less often and can be stowed elsewhere at times, then stackable bins are the way to go. To view some of the stackable bins on the A Plus Warehouse website click on the link below.


Industrial Shelf Bins

Shelf bins are usually more money than stacking bins because more equipment and material is involved with shelf bins. These bins take up more space but can also be more durable and longer lasting. A more popular one that we sell is the Hopper Bin Storage Shelving, it can be bought as just the shelf alone, or with the bins that fit. Shelf bins and stacking bins are both good for different reasons so be sure to learn more before choosing your storage.

Check out our Bins!
stacking bins vs shelf bins
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